systematic framework. The traditional classification divides in Apocrita Terebrantia and aculeata. The former are provided with Hymenoptera Terebras function of oviposition, largely consisting of insect parasitoids and, to a lesser extent, pests. The Aculeate include species in which the hand is retracted and everted Terebras and lost the original function dell'ovideposizione becoming a sting used as a means of defense or offense. In many Aculeate, however, the sting may be atrophied or has lost its function. The Aculeate constitute a monophyletic group, therefore, the term is widely used informally. The Apocrita Aculeate not make a paraphyletic grouping (Terebrantia) so the dichotomous division is no longer accepted in the schemes based on phylogenetic relationships. These schemes divide the Apocrita directly into superfamilies.
Internal separation The old classification distinguished between different superfamilies. As a result most of these have been included to the rank of family in other superfamilies. The following list is shown in brackets the current location of the traditionally counted among aculeata superfamilies: Apoidea
Chrysidoidea (ex Bethyloidea)
Bethyloidea (now Chrysidoidea)
Formicoidea (inserted in Vespoidea)
Pompiloidea (inserted in Vespoidea )
Scolioidea (inserted in Vespoidea)
Sphecoidea (inserted in Apoidea)
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