The Pterigoti (Pterygota) are the largest group of insects, consistent with the rank of Sub, including all forms of food supplies, including those become secondarily wingless during evolution from ancestral winged ancestors. The subclass includes most of the insects known. It is excluded only the order of the Thysanura, including in the subclass of Apterygota.
Systematics The systematic Pterigoti is essentially based on the metamorphosis and the genesis of the wings. It is divided into two main groups, according to the taxonomic schemes, are elevated to the rank of superorder or cohort: Exopterygota . It includes the most primitive winged insects with incomplete metamorphosis. The wings are formed gradually in the nymph stages of sketches from outside.
Endopterygota . It includes the most advanced winged insects with complete metamorphosis. The wings are formed in the pupa stage with wing buds Affairs (preimmaginali discs). The
Esopterigoti are divided into two subcoorti, Palaeoptera and Neoptera. The first group belong mostly fossil insects and are currently existing only species belonging to two orders, the second group includes a more extensive number of orders, broken down into systematic groups of intermediate rank (superorders and sections). The orders include Endopterigoti more advanced, input a single group elevated to the rank of superorder, Oligoneoptera, which in turn is divided into several sections. The scheme
taxonomic summary, limited to orders not extinct, is as follows:
Subclass Pterygota Cohort Exopterygota
Subcoorte Palaeoptera. Orders:
; Ephemeroptera - Odonata
Subcoorte Neoptera
Superordine Polyneoptera
, Section Blattoidea. Orders:
; Blattodea - Mantodea - Isoptera - Zoraptera
, Section Plecopteroidea. Orders:
Section Embiopteroidea. Orders:
; Embioptera
; Section Orthopteroidea. Orders:
; Grylloblattodea - Dermaptera - Phasmoidea - Orthoptera -
; ; Mantophasmatodea
; Superordine Paraneoptera
Section Psocoidea. Orders:
; Psocoptera (or eroding) - Mallophaga - Anoplura
; Section Thysanopteroidea. Orders:
; Thysanoptera
; Section Rhynchotoidea. Orders:
; Rhynchota
Cohort Endopterygota
; Superorder: Oligoneoptera
Section Neuropteroidea. Orders:
; Neuroptera
Section Panorpoidea. Orders:
; Mecoptera - Trichoptera - Lepidoptera - Diptera - Aphaniptera
Sezione: Coleopteroidea. Ordini:
Coleoptera - Strepsiptera
Section Hymenopteroidea . Orders:
; Hymenoptera
Another taxonomic scheme instead provides a breakdown of the subclass in two divisions, respectively Palaeoptera and Neoptera. The first division corresponds to subcoorte homonymous of the previous scheme, while the second groups the Neoptera and all of the previous scheme Endopterigoti.
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